Quick Lettertracker

Low-cost software that makes it easy to track your outgoing mail using USPS Informed Visibility tracking barcodes!

buy now try it now
Just 29.50 complete.
No subscription or per-piece charges!

Ever take some mail to the post office and wonder if it will ever get delivered?

Or maybe you're a seller on eBay, Amazon or other online marketplaces, and you need a tracking number when you ship. There's no tracking number if you're selling something that fits in an envelope and goes by regular First Class mail, like trading cards or seeds. You can track it using Certified Mail, but that's way too expensive.

There is an answer! What many mailers don't know is that USPS automatically tracks envelopes and cards (aka "letters" and "flats") with its "Informed Visibility" tracking system. And they'll give that information to the mailer without any added postage charge! Informed Visibility tracks barcoded leters and flats mailed as First Class Mail, Marketing Mail, Bound Printed Matter and Periodicals.

To track regular First Class Mail, you have to print a unique tracking barcode with the address. And after you mail the piece, you need a way to get the tracking results, which are not posted publicly.

That's why we created Quick Lettertracker! It's a low cost software solution that makes it easy for you to add an Informed Visibility tracking barcode to your single-piece outgoing mail, save the tracking number for each piece, and then track it with just one click!

Or, if you're preparing barcoded mailings to entire mailing list using software like our Postage Saver Pro, you can use the tracking tool in Quick Lettertracker to track that mail as well.

US Map showing mail tracking

It's easy! Here's how it works:

Register for a free account on the USPS Informed Visibility tracking system. It's easy! We'll walk you through it in Quick Lettertracker.

Then use Quick Lettertracker to generate and print an Informed Visibility tracking barcode on your mail piece.

If you already have barcodes and tracking numbers from other software, like Postage $aver Pro or the USPS Intelligent Mail Small Business (IMsb) tool, you can skip this step and scroll down to step 3.

Otherwise just enter an address in Quick Lettertracker, standardize it with one click, and Quick Lettertracker will instantly create an accurate USPS First Class mail tracking barcode. Then just click to print the address and barcode on a label or directly on your mail piece.

Or, if you just want to print the barcode and not the whole address, just enter the 5-digit or 9-digit zip code and get a barcode that you can print on your mail or copy and paste into a document.

It's that easy!

Quick Lettertracker creates barcodes one at a time. If you'd rather add barcodes to a whole file of addresses at one time, try our Postal Barcoder Max software. It has the same tracking tool but more barcoding options, including one-at-a-time or a whole file at once.

Every time you print or copy a barcode, Quick Lettertracker saves it on the tracking screen. To track your mail, just click on the tracking number to get tracking information instantly. View the latest tracking information on the screen or print the entire tracking history.

You can also track mail that you've barcoded with other software, like Postage $aver Pro or the USPS Intelligent Mail Small Business ("IMsb") Tool, by typing or pasting the tracking number. If you're a bulk mailer, you can even track entire trays or sacks of mail by entering the tracking number from the tray or sack tag.

Check as often as you want, for as many pieces as you want. There's no per-piece charge or annual fee for Quick Lettertracker or USPS Informed Visibility tracking!

That's all there is to it!

With Quick Lettertracker, you can view tracking results for any outgoing letter-size or flat-size mail that have tracking barcodes and are tracked in the Informed Visibility tracking system, including single-piece First Class Mail, Presorted First Class Mail, Marketing Mail, Periodicals class, and Bound Printed Matter.

25 years Best of all, Quick Lettertracker is from Postage $aver Software, the leader in helping small businesses and nonprofits save postage for more than 25 years!

Quick Lettertracker is affordable:

You get:
√ downloadable software for Windows or Macintosh.
√ Texas-based phone support.

Just 29.50 complete! Buy now!
One-time payment. No monthly payments. No per-piece charges.

Try it free for 30 days!
No credit card required.

NEW - Now your customers can track orders you send to them or mailings you prepare for them. Check out TrackYourOrder.Info, our new customer-facing web page for USPS Informed Visibility tracking! Save $10 when you buy it with Quick Lettertracker!

Frequent Questions:

What if I want to add tracking barcodes to an entire mailing list all at once, or want barcodes for a different kind of mail, like Marketing Mail?

You're in luck! We have another product that does that, and includes the same tracking viewer. Try our Postal Barcoder Max software. Or, to prepare a barcoded bulk mailing from start to finish, try our popular Postage $aver Pro software.

Can I track Business Reply Mail or Courtesy Reply Mail with Quick Lettertracker?

No, Quick Lettertracker is designed to track mail you've sent. But we have another product that provides tracking for outgoing mail and reply mail. Try our Postal Barcoder Max software.

Can I get proof of delivery with Informed Visibility tracking?

No. Informed Visibility tracks each time the mail is scanned as it moves through the postal system. But your postal carrier doesn't scan each piece at your mailbox, so there is no "final delivery" step reported.

What you get instead is an entry for the last step in the sorting process when the mail is prepared for the carrier to deliver. Quick Lettertracker tells you whether the scan displayed is the last scan you should expect before delivery, along with the delivery date projected by USPS based on that scan.

Can't I just get tracking results from the USPS Informed Visibility web site?

Sure, but it's difficult. Their site is designed for large-volume mailers who need complicated reports, or who have in-house programmers who can write code to gather all the information. It's way beyond the needs of most mailers, and you can't just look up a tracking number.

Quick Lettertracker is designed for the rest of us, who just want to get the tracking information we need without all the hassle. Just point and click and see the results!

Quick Start Instructions:

Easy step-by-step user guide:

Using Quick Lettertracker with the USPS Intelligent Mail Small Business (IMsb) tool:


Features and Specifications:

Quick Lettertracker can create Intelligent Mail Tracking Barcodes for:
Retail First Class envelopes and cards, without special handling markings such as "address correction requested".
Need barcodes for other kinds of mail? Try our Postal Barcoder Max software.

Quick Lettertracker can provide tracking information the following kinds of mail:
(cards, letters and flats only)
Retail First Class.
First Class Presorted.
Marketing Mail.
Periodicals class.
Bound Printed Matter.
Trays and Sacks with barcoded tags.

Computer Requirements:
Windows: Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8.
Macintosh: MacOS v11 - v15 (Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura, Sonoma, Sequoia).

Current Version: 2.2.3, released January, 2025.