Latest Changes to
Postage $aver Pro and Lite
We've updated Postage $aver Pro and Lite to keep up with the latest postal changes, and made some software improvements. Here are the details. Note that each update includes all previous updates, so you only need to download and install the latest. Get the update.What’s new in Version 11.3.7 – January, 2025
Postal Updates:
- USPS has combined "AADC" sorting facilities with "SCF" sorting facilities. Tray tags that have shown an AADC facility on the top line will now show an SCF facility, though the second line will still refer to an AADC sort level.
- USPS has made minor changes to the postage statement forms, and we have updated those forms and the Postal Wizard Instructions report to reflect those changes.
- USPS has changed in-county Periodicals rates for Connecticut to be determined by Regional Planning Districts, rather than counties (which no longer officially exist), and we have updated the software accordingly.
- USPS has made routine changes to the postal routing lists. The revised lists are included in this update.
- It is no longer necessary to have at least three records in your mailing list file to use it with the software.
- We removed the zip code of the originating post office from the third line of the sack tags to allow more room for the company name. This zip code is not required. (This does not affect the large zip code on the top line of the tag.)
- When preparing a mixed-weight Bound Printed Matter mailing, the software will now reject any records that have "0" as the weight in the mailing list file.
- We corrected a bug that sometimes caused nonbarcoded and barcoded pieces to be mixed up when preparing combined mailings of nonbarcoded and barcoded pieces.
- We corrected bugs that sometimes caused incorrect results or crashes when preparing First Class flats mailings.
- We corrected a bug that sometimes caused the postage total to be printed as $0.00 when preparing mixed-weight nonpresorted Bound Printed Matter mailings.
- We fixed other minor bugs and made some wording changes to conform to USPS terminology changes or to improve clarity.
What’s new in Version 11.3.6 – November, 2024
Postal Updates:
- USPS has changed the size and shape categories for parcels. In the software, we have changed Periodicals Irregular Parcels to Periodicals Nonstandard Parcels to comply with these changes.
- USPS has made routine changes to the postal routing lists. The revised lists are included in this update.
- When printing addresses onto roll labels or directly onto your mail, you can now choose the font size.
- On tray tags for Marketing Mail, we updated the wording "STD" to "MKT". USPS allows either but MKT is newer.
- On the Postal Wizard Instructions report, we restored missing instructions for selecting your permit and finding your clients.
- We corrected a bug that could cause a crash when the software is preparing 5-digit scheme bundles for First Class barcoded flats.
- We corrected a bug in the Mac version that could cause a crash if nonstandard characters (such as a slanted apostrophe) were included in the mailing list file.
What’s new in Version 11.3.5 – September, 2024
Postal Updates:
- USPS has made routine changes to the postal routing lists. The revised lists are included in this update.
- We made some minor functional and wording changes to improve clarity.
What’s new in Version 11.3.4 – July 14, 2024
Postal Updates:
- The USPS July rate changes, effective July 14, are included in this update.
- As part of the price increase, USPS went back to the old way of calculating postage for flats over 4 ounces. Instead of deducting the first 4 ounces off the weight of each piece, the per-pound charge will now apply to the entire weight of the piece. The per-pound charge has been adjusted down to somewhat compensate for the change.
This reverts to the way postage was calculated before last year's July price change.
- USPS now offers a new 1/10 cent discount per piece for catalogs sent as Marketing Mail or Bound Printed Matter. We have added support for that discount. We added a new checkbox on the Mail Categories screen to apply this discount to your mailing.
Here is what USPS considers to be a catalog to qualify for this discount:- it has at least 12 pages,
- it is bound (stapled, stitched, glued or fastened together along one edge), and
- it provides an organized listing of products offered for sale.
The product listing must include:- images, photographs or illustrations of the products or services,
- descriptive details,
- fulfillment information, and
- prices (or an alternate method for the reader to determine prices).
The catalog must contain enough information to allow an order to be placed, for example, an order form, a phone number, a web address, or the means to access a web address (such as a QR code). The catalog must also enable fulfillment options for the products or services offered for sale, in other words, it must tell how the product or service will be delivered (shipping method, e-delivery, webinar, etc.).
- USPS has issued new postage statement forms for use on and after July 14, and made corresponding changes to the USPS Postal Wizard. We have incorporated the new forms and have made corresponding changes to the Postal Wizard Instructions report.
- USPS has made routine changes to the postal routing lists. The revised lists are included in this update.
- We made some minor functional and wording changes and added some warnings to improve clarity.
What’s new in Version 11.3.3 – May, 2024
Postal Updates:
- USPS has made routine changes to the postal routing lists. The revised lists are included in this update.
- On the print labels window, we added hints to clarify that the city and state for the permit go in separate boxes on the screen.
- For Periodicals, the software will now organize trays by 5-digit scheme, where applicable, when preparing carrier route sorted DDU entry trays. Note that the scheme combinations used for carrier route preparation are different than the schemes for 5-digit preparation, so you could end up a 5-digit scheme carrier route tray and a 5-digit tray, both labeled to the same scheme, but with different contents. Contact us if something looks strange and we'll make sure it's correct.
- For Periodicals, we updated the Entry and Container Reports to refer to the new Local Processing Centers (LPCs) and Regional Processing and Distributions Centers (RPDCs).
- For Periodicals, we corrected the sorting for nonmachinable nonbarcoded flats to include 5-digit scheme trays where applicable.
- For Periodicals, we updated abbreviations used on the Container Report.
What’s new in Version 11.3.2 – March, 2024
Postal Updates:
- USPS has made routine changes to the postal routing lists. The revised lists are included in this update.
- For Periodicals, the software will now only provide in-county rates when the mailing is sent from a postal facility that is in the same county as the "known office of publication", per USPS requirements. We also changed the wording on the Addressing and Mailing screen to make clear that the software needs to know the zip code of the known office of publication.
- For Periodicals, we improved the way the software handles blocking by a firewall when updating the list of in-county zip codes. Messages from the firewall could previously be shown as gibberish in the in-county zip codes list and for the county name.
- We fixed a bug that could cause addresses to be incorrectly rejected when preparing mixed-weight shipments using dBase (.dbf) files.
What’s new in Version 11.3.1 – January 21, 2024
Postal Updates:
- The USPS January rate changes, effective January 21, are included in this update.
- USPS has issued new postage statement forms for use on and after January 21, and those forms are included in this update. While these paper forms will no longer be submitted with shipments, the information and line numbers will continued to be used in electronic versions of the forms on the USPS Gateway.
- For Periodical Class mailers, USPS has replaced the Zone Report with a new "Entry Report". The Entry Report no longer shows zones, since zones are no longer used for Periodicals. Instead, it indicates whether each 3-digit zip area in the mailing is in-county or outside-county, and whether it is eligible for destination entry rates (DDU, DSCF or DADC). The Zone column on the Price Qualification Report is similarly replaced by an Entry column.
Like the Zone Report, the Entry Report must either be submitted to USPS with the mailing, or retained by the mailer for two months after the mailing date. All references to zones have been removed from Postage Saver Pro and Postage Saver Lite, since they are no longer used for Periodical Class and Bound Printed Matter.
- USPS has removed Change Service Requested as an option for Ballot Mail, since official ballots cannot be destroyed by USPS even if undeliverable, which is what Change Service Requested causes to happen. We have updated the software to reflect this change.
- USPS has made routine changes to the postal routing lists. The revised lists are included in this update.
- We changed the "print reports" window to no longer show that the Postage Statement form should be provided to USPS.
- For Periodicals, if you indicate that you are hand-sorting one or more zip codes by carrier route, the carrier route rate now shows properly on the Price Qualification report and the Entry Report.
- We corrected a bug affecting combined mailings of barcoded and nonbarcoded flats that would sometimes cause barcoded and nonbarcoded pieces to be combined in the same bundle, and another that would sometimes cause bundles of nonbarcoded or barcoded flats to be mis-labeled on the Mail Preparation Instructions report.